Tuesday, February 3, 2009


February 2,2009 justice was finally served in the death of friend, and local La Jolla surfer, Emery Kauanui. Emery was 24 yrs old when he was beaten to death in front of his home on Draper avenue in San Diego May 24, 2007. Leaving behind two brothers and a mother to mourn his loss.

Emery was a good guy; funny, cocky, and full of life. He dreamed of starting a charity where inner city children would be able to learn to surf and escape their rough environment. A religious man, Emery spent Sunday's in church and spoke of the power of god.

Meeting Emery when I was fourteen years old, we had the ocean in common. We ran in different crowds but kept a friendship through the years. Surfing together regularly in La Jolla and partying around town. I was very sad to hear of the death of Emery on May 28, 2007. I remember clearly, surfing Big Rock, a local wave in San Diego, when I noticed a white wall with, "R.I.P. Emery" painted in huge black letters. I had heard nothing of the incident and when I asked a friend what the tagging was all about I felt a sad rush of emotions. This was the second time I had lost a friend. Both I had kept little contact with, yet a friendship that was always strong when we were around each other.

When news started coming in and I found out the whole story I was very upset. I knew Seth Cravens and the crew of kids he hung out with, we all went to high school together. It made me sick to hear what the argument was about and the fact that Emery lost his life over it. So over a year has passed, justice has finally been served. Seth Cravens was sentenced 20 years to life today. Now, Seth will have time to sit and repent on his actions and hopefully mourn for the life he has taken. Emery is greatly missed and the community bounded together for a paddle out to remember the Hawaiian surfer.

I miss you Emery and hope you look over me from heaven. It isn't the same surfing in La Jolla on a good day, knowing that you should be out there with us. I feel as if you are still out there and we will keep you in our hearts. Aloha buddy!

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